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Phurelz is a series about animals escaping from a lab to find a better world among them, the story follows kokoro hilahila'mei a anthropomorphic rabbit, her friend bacon, and lover damien, as she tries to uncover how her leader and father figure died, if her childhood friend is responsible, as tensions rise between the colony she leads and another, a eerie enemy is on her tracks, also trying to find out if her husband really died during a freak accident or not, and keep a vigilantie in her paws while expecting during a journey to free her kidnapped cadet. Was this kind of freedom really worth it?

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Sunboulders: Sunboulders is an ancient colony dating back to ancient times even before advance technologies and the end of man, dwarven and elven kind, most of ancient sunboulders were led by the ancestors and descendants of Polatra and his ancestors/kin, while any kind of fighter is allowed, sunboulders used to be a mixed up native american tribe in ancient japan, led by three leaders a morpher, a human and a dark elf.

Kokoro Hilahila'mei
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Rabbit
Cadet Soldier: Chapter 1)
Prime minister: Chapter 2-ongoing*
Eye color: pink

Damien watobashi
Age: 21
Morpher type: Cat/Feline
Species: Japanese bobtail/persian mix
Gender: male

More character info coming soon

Waiverz colony: Waiverz is a colony dating back to the 1910s during the war of species, (what morphers called it) when morphers felt more at home with a specific country went to battle with that country resulting in the death and casualties of thousands of aquatic morphers, both mammalian and reptilian morphers, by land and air morphers resulting in discrimination of morphers of land and air descendant by water morphers despite of their racial, original backgrounds, or even if they do not have a specific identity of origin or race that lasted til 1965(originally ended in 1918). The morphers species have evolved and grew in aquatic areas near or in iraq, russia, india, africa or near indonesia and learn from each country to make advance tech from the pioneer leader melissa flipperz or known by their colony name Night Viper.

More character info coming soon

The republic of The three lands of Brigandland(ROB): Brigandland or either wise known as Rob, or The republic of the three lands of brigandland is the unity between the hidden humongous morpher land of esker, and the three lands Spain, Britiain, and Ethiopia, After a deadly illness took over africa and britian from spain and also affecting spain most of the mankind and slaves (both morphers, and mankind including mythical humans) migrated to the morphers home of esker resulting it a discriminatory upbringing from the mankind who saw certain kinds of mankind and morphers inferior to them making them feel superior, during a civil battle against mankind and morphers, half the morphers made a deal to team up with mankind and hold a truce while others became untrustworthy of them after man kin died at their hands, after the battle brigandland stayed in a state of segragation by mankind and morphers who saw other morphers and mankind who were different in regards of race or origins as inferior to them, it wasn’t til the MI-5 started a program to stop and protest against the racist terror acts of the mankind and morphers who saw themselves as superior, creating a superhero group known as the union of heroic morphers (UOHM), recruiting morphers with powers or helping to unlock their unevolved powers(known as matter wielding) by genetic modification which started in the 1900s, resulting in a terror group created known as the red hoods by mankind and morphers to keep creatures they call inferior in their place, And its UOHM’s job is to protect their land and mankind from the enemies that robbed their land from them.
Unfortunately mankind in ROB went extinct in the early 2000s. Causing morphers who felt more superior to take their place of side of mankind who were racists and discriminatory, feeling they were superior, making certain species of morphers become racist against other species or subspecies.

Drako Clan: Drako clan is a colony of wolves, foxes, and reptiles. The colony have some heavy yakuza backgrounds to it so most colonies avoid them. The colony was created by a morpher and a demi human(human with animal ears, horns, wings, head, or tail or both) that were vigilantes and also part of a yakuza clan that is perfected in fire matter wielding powers

(Cost)Continuum of space and time: Cost or either wise known as the continuum of space and time was enlisted by the society of Powers, Space, Time and Unity between humans, elves, morphers, and dwarves invented by the first super morhers caspian, and kuda after almost causing a paradox not knowing that kudo had time traveling powers, and that caspian can rewind injuries and fatalities, after the mysterious death of the whole kavsodia family kudo took over the faction, but under corrupt terms and co-leadership as years past even under the leadership of Robert Hoofington a pegasus, who also mysteriously died along with his own family, except one of his kin who did manage to escape.

TW: some info has adult themes for education purposes proceed with caution!Hierarchy listChief:The main leader of the colony, the chief goes through a process of obtaining revivals(lives) based on how many people they saved or per colony/city/tribe they saved. Chiefs are normally the one like a king or queen and they appoint whose next in line to lead as a prime minister.Prime Minister:The ones in charge of the rest of the higher ups and second lead of the colony, once the chief dies their next in line to become one, they also help out with patrols, advising elite soldiers/guardians, and commanders, sometimes they train multiple students when one or more soldiers can’t.Alpha:The third leader of the colony or tribe alphas are the next in line to become a prime minister and chief, alphas are in charge of guarding the colony and looking out for attacks from rival colonies, cults and terror groups, they also supervise the majority of the guilds within a colony, and try to do what they can to be a mediator for their own colonies and others, fighting with their words rather than always with wounds and weaponry. They are also like a general or govenor.Commanders/Governors:The next in line to become a alpha, in battle commanders mostly specialize in missions especially with gladiators and soldiers of all ranks, they are also know to talk to the 3 leaders on warnings of possible attacks or chemical attacks on their colony or contamination attacks.Governors are of higher rank, if any reason the active leader can’t lead, the governor will take lead of a clan and colony if the council votes in on it. And handle disputes and legal matters within and outside of a colony, like a lawyer or a judge.Oracles:Oracles are the healers and priests of the clan, colony, and / or faction, Oracles gives advice to soldiers, medics, apprentices, leaders and other medics of the council, a long time ago oracles and medics weren’t allowed to have children or get married til Everett and a few others made a new rule allowing them too after a almost life altering event causing a decreased birth rate among lands for morphers. Oracles can also appoint the new leader if a alpha, prime minister and governor cannot guided by their ancestors, oracles also have the ability to talk to the ancestors of past colonies, tribes, clans and factions, and allies of morphers who died doing good deeds to save and / or protect morphers. The only thing oracles can’t do is fall in love with someone outside of their own colony.Medics:Medics are elite apprentices trained as a nurse assistant and / or nurse like a oracle, medics have the ability to talk to a deceased ancestor/love one(sleep or awoken), and have visions just like a oracle, and use their ability to help or save their fellow morphers.Sergeant:An elite guard of a colony, faction or clan, the sergeant is of high honor, sergeants along with lieutenants investigate crime, murders, and attacks within and outside of a colony, tribe, clan, and / or faction.Lieutenant:Lieutenants are the assistants and / or co sergeants, if their isn’t a sergeant, governor, or captain lieutenants are in charge as the role of sergeant, captain or governor.Captains:Captains are in charge of checking on guilds and are next in line to be lieutenants and sergeants captains are know to guide new soldiers and cadet soldiers on safe missions and assess in.Soldiers:Soldiers are the citizens and lifeblood of the colony, tribe, faction or clan, everyone is there to support each other, most time soldiers get advice from the council or leaders(if there isn't a council)Head Blacksmith / Inventors:The technical of the group, head inventors and blacksmiths lead builders, inventors and blacksmiths into what technology or armory to build for the soldiers and the other council members.Apprentices / Medic Apprentices:Trainees that are between the ages of 12-16 (or 15 if apprentices did something heroic)Most apprentices are trained in a academy and by a tutor til the legal older/adult teen age of 16 unless a very heroic or very honorable deed was done. Some apprentices are appointed solders/medics later because of ailments or injuries. Most oracles appoint medic apprentices of legal age despite the fact there's already a head medic/oracle.Morpher typesAnthropomorphic=Animals that have full characteristics of a human including longer hair/identifies with humanity on gender identities, pronouns, and racial identity, with the concept of having humanistic traits like abs like a man or boobs like a woman, also share the traits of having hands instead of animal feet for hands. And 30% doesn’t want to identify with racial identity. 75%+ of these morphers have powers.Hybrids=Anthropomorphic animals that lack the traits of human hands/feet, no man/woman chest, looks more animal like, and lacks hair quality but still identifies with gender identity, racial identity and pronouns. 55% of these morphers have powers.Mythical/Primal=Same as hybrids except they have features of a Anthropomorphic Mythical animal(such as a dragon, gryphon, unicorn, pegasus, chimera"hybrid animal with a snake tail, lion body, dragon wings on back, and sheep/goat legs", harpy, avaliable, or other mythical animal beings, or a primal creature which includes animals from the prehistoric period or cretaceous period which extinct animals like dodo birds, dire wolves, sabertooth tigers, mammoths, and dinosaurs. 100% of this variation have powers. Most of these animals appear normal til they transform into their mythical form or vice versa.Feral=regular four legged walking animals with a 10% human rate/DNA giving them the iq of a human, making them a animal supergenius, morphers with this characteristics can talk,, wear accessories and clothes, work and eat at a table even though they cannot use utensils, 40% of ferals have superpowers.Morphers age til 350 or older (“older than 350”if the writing/comic team wants them to that is)Gestation|Expecting|Conception|Lifespan(theme/content warning information on sex/reproduction for educational purposes)Anthropomorphic=Animals that have full characteristics of a human including longer hair/identifies with humanity on gender identities, pronouns, and racial identity, with the concept of having humanistic traits like abs like a man or boobs like a woman, also share the traits of having hands instead of animal feet for hands. And 30% doesn’t want to identify with racial identity. 75%+ of these morphers have powers.Hybrids=Anthropomorphic animals that lack the traits of human hands/feet, no man/woman chest, looks more animal like, and lacks hair quality but still identifies with gender identity, racial identity and pronouns. 55% of these morphers have powers.Mythical/Primal=Same as hybrids except they have features of a Anthropomorphic Mythical animal(such as a dragon, gryphon, unicorn, pegasus, chimera"hybrid animal with a snake tail, lion body, dragon wings on back, and sheep/goat legs", harpy, avaliable, or other mythical animal beings, or a primal creature which includes animals from the prehistoric period or cretaceous period which extinct animals like dodo birds, dire wolves, sabertooth tigers, mammoths, and dinosaurs. 100% of this variation have powers. Most of these animals appear normal til they transform into their mythical form or vice versa.Feral=regular four legged walking animals with a 10% human rate/DNA giving them the iq of a human, making them a animal supergenius, morphers with this characteristics can talk,, wear accessories and clothes, work and eat at a table even though they cannot use utensils, 40% of ferals have superpowers.Morphers age til 350 or older (“older than 350”if the writing/comic team wants them to that is)Gestation|Expecting|Conception|Lifespan(theme/content warning information on sex/reproduction for educational purposes)Morphers that are anthro, hybrid and mythical/primal that are the mature age of 16 are allowed to get married and have babies.Morpher law requires that a 16 yr old is only allowed to marry a 16-18 or 19 yr old, while 17 yr olds can marry anyone between a 3 or 4 year difference, any morpher 20 or older is allowed to marry anyone of any age.After the male and female have sex, it normally takes longer for the eggs to fertilize from the male seminal fluids because of morphers almost immortal aging along with the super powers and/or magical powers the parents and offspring possess.Normally the species of morphers have sex like any normal homosapien creatures(like humans) most morphers produce a litter of 2-5 pups, cubs or kittens.(hatchling If reptilian or amphibians). In a case of hybrid animals (one mammal one avian or one reptile) there’s a 50% chance the offspring will come out as a set of eggs and a 50% chance of them being birthed naturally like a mammalian despite whether the spouses is a bird, or lizard while the male/female is a cat dog/vice versa .etc)It takes 5 or 6 years for morphers to give birth. Normally during the first year for a few weeks every other month female morphers go through cold like symptoms, nausea, vomiting and hot flashes. Their menstrual cycles and heat cycles stop temporarily during this, and males will have the desire to protect their spouse at all costs, even at the cost of their own lives, and will panic as any danger or not so dangerous situations.The 2nd or 3rd year of expectancy females normally shows more signs such as fur becoming more thick and fluffy, increase of size, rounder and small baby bump.During the 4th-5th year baby bump fully shows, and the father/husband worries less of the mother and if their the leader of a tribe or colony they will take over duties with the alpha and prime minister a couple months prior to the 6th year or 5th (if the litter looks as if to come on the 5th rather on the 6th year)Bonus info: if its the 3rd or 4th year and in one of the months on either year a full moon is present the litter comes faster normally on a 5th year, but it’s uncommon to rare, not impossible though.Cubs|Pups|Kittens|Hatchlings|LifespanDuring birthing/labor it takes 2 or 3 days max for the litter to crown after the females water breaks. After birth litters are normally shown to have powers after the first 3 weeks, once the litter of offspring reaches 2 or 3 they no longer need to be wean by their mother.Baby-Toddler: 0-4Offspring cannot move, speak, see, or hear, they completely rely on parents for care.Little-big kid: 5-9During this age most morphers can eat food on their own with utensils (unless their a feral) they have full understanding of what everyones saying, and normally begins homeschool or safe education with a relative of the parents in a colony or the parent themselves will teach them.Adolescence/Teen: 10-15Normally adolescences and teens 10-15 are fully aware of what they are doing and most teens this age have fully working reproductive functions, but due to not making right decisions will train under a guardian soldier which is a elite soldier of a colony, most adolescences are referred to as cadet soldiers or if doing a heroic deed apprentice cadets.(some may become soldiers early cause of low birthrate, or of a very good heroic honorable and lifesaving deed)Young adult: 16-28Most young adult morphers this age are ready to become soldiers, medics and other roles in the colony, they are also of age to either become a leader after teaching cadets and apprentices, this is also the age they start looking for a spouse, dating, getting married, and having kids. They can make decisions on their own, train students, fight their own battles without supervision and control their powers completely. They are given a special matter wielding digital license containing their name, race, pronouns, gender, age, superpowers, abilities, strengths, species, morpher body type, hierarchy rank, and eye color, along with fur colors.Adult: 29-67Most morphers this age are a full adult and feel the need to not feel self conscious about the decisions, actions, ideals and goals, they can easily train apprentices and cadets, and can go on expeditions and missions along with patrols and journeys without help from guardian soldiers, or the leaders of the colony. The cool plus side is after aging 20, most morphers look like their 20 still til 90 or 100(unless stress which can make them age faster or lost one of their revives as leader which makes them age faster)Mature adult/Middle aged: 67-110+Morphers this age normally have small discoloration of gray in their fur, morphers may retire as some dont have time to focus on love, marriage or children (due to the duties within the colony) or half way retire as they will help when needed or requested by the leaders or other soldiers, most of the leaders and medics stay due to the fact they feel they should serve their home and colony til their time is up. Not much change with reproduction or muscle and bone structure even though mentally/physically they appear as if their in their 70s. Crows feet appear under the eyes as well and more graying of hair and fur.Early senior-senior: 120-350At this age morphers (male and females) muscles slow down but they still retain their energy but stuff like leg muscles and sight may start to fail, if the morpher is a leader and lost a bunch of revives(lives) they will start to look frail and become too weak, they will also not be able to have kids anymore (females only) because loosing their life multiple times ages them faster even if they are 110 or 70, as for non-leaders they normally keep their reproductive functions til 250(for female) after that they start to head into menopause and wont be able to birth children anymore, they become more frail and weak, as for males their reproductive functions continue to work til they die, they will still have weaken bodies, failing hearing and failing sight.Morpher lawMorpher is a set of laws applied to every colony, majority of colonies, clans, and tribes follow the rules of morpher law1. Morphers must not fall in love with a morpher of another rivalling colony, faction, tribe or clan.2. Do not kill if you do not have to, theres other ways to win battles unless the rival, enemy or villain will do anything to harm or worst kill you or any tribe/colony/clan/faction member then do so.3. Do not steal, make sure to share any hunted and foraged food with the colony in the food storage facility in the colony, tribe, clan or faction unless your on a goup expedition on a long journey.4. Do not share all of what you see with your fellow ancestors unless its a true emergency or if its the will of paradise(heaven) and your and other ancestors to tell others of your visions and dreams with guardian angels and good spirits of the past.5. Colony, tribe, faction and / or clan members expecting on their 4th year and children between 1-10 must stay in their colony. tribe, faction, and / or clan til their children ca roam on their own with a babysitter or a soldier, all children must be the legal teen age of 11 to fight, explore or go on missions / expeditions with the exception of supervision such as their tutor and most trustworthy friends/family of said tutor.6. All cadets must listen to what the tutor says7. Soldiers and Guardian solders must always listen to the higherups of command8. Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Governors, commanders and Guardian Soldiers must of least went on one-two missions or trained one-two cadets before being